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Stopford success in ECITB Active Cup Challenge

Updated: May 20, 2021

Stopford has been successful in the ACTIVE Cup challenge 2021, placing fourth overall in the virtual project management cup. In addition, Stopford were one of only 4 teams who ended their project scenario in profit.

Our team was a client collaboration, with Clean Planet Energy (CPE) a first for the ACTIVE Cup.

Organised by the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB), the simulated construction project is run in collaboration with Cranfield School of Management as part of a wider project management training initiative within the engineering construction industry. The virtual events were held over four and a half days.

The teams were required to manage a fixed price Environmental Defence Project, during which they had all tendered successfully for the construction of a high technology environmental monitoring centre located along a stretch of an environmentally damaged South American river.

Competition came from companies located throughout the UK.

Heather Guanaria, Stopford Commercial Director, congratulated the team on their success and said that Stopford look forward to taking part in future ACTIVE Cup’s.



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