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Stopford provides due-diligence services for an exciting novel wastewater treatment process

Barely bigger than a sesame seed, regulators have long used daphnia (water fleas) to find and set safe concentrations of chemicals in the environment. Professor Luisa Orsini and Dr Mohamed Abdallah discovered that dormant strains from pre-industrial revolution can more efficiently filter and clean water than their contemporary counterparts

Stopford has been recognised in the National Centre for Universities and Business’ “Drops of Innovation: Navigating the waters of collaboration” publication, relating to our work in supporting Daphne Water Solutions Ltd (DWS) with the techno-commercial development of their novel tertiary wastewater treatment (WWT) technology.

You can find in the collaboration case study (P14), DWS has patented a process that uses the crustacean Daphnia for the removal of organics and inorganics (e.g. persistent chemicals) from effluent, which can then be separated from the treated effluent for further downstream processing. The DWS technology presents a significant opportunity to enhance the sustainability of tertiary WWT processes, whilst enabling the recovery of commodities of value in line with the principles of the circular economy.

To support the technology exploitation and fundraising ambitions of DWS, Stopford’s Technology & Innovation Service Group delivered a series of studies spanning from technology benchmarking and market assessment, through to financial modelling and business case development.

The National Centre for Universities and Business publication seeks to share and celebrate collaborations between businesses and universities working on water projects from across their membership group”.



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