Stopford attended the January meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Hydrogen (APPG), the focus of the meeting was on, ‘the role of hydrogen on decarbonising transport’.
The APPG provides a forum for MP’s and Peers to engage with leading businesses and organisations.
In attendance was Stopford’s Consultancy Director Deb Pal, our Hydrogen expert, who said, ‘the discussion covered the benefits of hydrogen for the transport sector and the barriers that need to be removed for widespread adoption and roll out’.
The meeting was well attended with a high level of engagement in the exchange of ideas and knowledge share. Our highlights & key takeaways below;
· The importance of the current BEIS funded trials in understanding and demonstrating fuel switching with hydrogen
· Studies to understand the economics of green hydrogen
· US initiative to reduce the cost of clean hydrogen to $1/kg
· Tees Valley hydrogen hub
· Recent investment in hydrogen powered trains (Germany)
· Aviation-use of liquid hydrogen
Stopford’s consultants are global leaders in environmental and advisory solutions, helping our clients lead the way in engineering a safe sustainable world towards a low carbon economy.