Stopford is co-supervising a group of MSc Environmental Systems Engineering students from UCL in a project entitled “Characterisation, use and life cycle impact of solids from NOMAD treated AD digestate”. Led by Stopford's Technology and Innovation Consultant Chris Betteridge, the students are supporting NOMAD, a R&D project focused on the development and trial of a mobile plant to enable nutrient recovery from anaerobic digestate derived from biogas plants.
The students are helping to assess the potential applications for digestate fibre, a by-product from the NOMAD plant, from a technical, commercial and regulatory perspective.

Chris said ” The project brings together both academic and industrial expertise and represents a fantastic opportunity for UCL students to experience a real-world project.
The intention is for the project outputs to be used to inform the most optimal approaches to fibre digestate management throughout the wider NOMAD project and enhance the business case and commercial opportunities of the technology.”
The project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 863000.