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Green Hydrogen - Making It Real

Stopford’s PhD Technologist, Jayan Suthar, presented his work on hydrogen generation from wastes at the “Green Hydrogen - Making It Real” conference at Daresbury on 8th October 2021. With a focus on Stopford’s proprietary Plasmergy technology, Jayan described the virtues of microwave plasma gasification to enable the generation of hydrogen from waste streams that would otherwise be destined for landfill.

"With the demand for renewable sources of hydrogen increasing in line with fossil energy decarbonisation targets, our Plasmergy technology presents a unique opportunity to transform low-value wastes into hydrogen rich fuels”

Coinciding with “World Hydrogen Day” the conference sought to highlight the challenges and opportunities arising from transitioning from a fossil fuel to a hydrogen centric economy, with a specific focus on infrastructure, innovation and funding.

Jayan is a PhD student at Lancaster University working in collaboration with Stopford Ltd



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