Smart Energy Network Demonstrator Supply Chain Development Programme
Multidisciplinary low carbon innovation and sustainability consultancy to 217 regional SMEs as part of the Smart Energy Network Demonstrator (SEND) programme.
Keele University
Partners and collaborators
European Union Regional Development Fund
UK Government
Staffordshire, United Kingdom
Resource Recovery
Multidisciplinary consultancy
Low carbon consultancy

Climate change is the single biggest global threat to mankind, the effects of which are increasingly starting to be felt. The Keele University Smart Energy Network Demonstrator (SEND) is Europe’s first “at scale” living laboratory where new energy-efficient technologies can be researched, developed and tested in a real-world environment. The Supply Chain Development strand of the SEND project presents an opportunity for businesses to capitalise on the growth opportunities presented by the low carbon economy.
As such our experts provided bespoke multi-disciplinary consultancy support to 217 Staffordshire SMEs, in the below areas:
Entry to the renewables and smart energy sectors
Development of sustainable products, processes or services
Reduction of environmental impact and energy costs
At Stopford we believe that delivering sustainable outcomes for our clients also makes good business sense. Delivering the Supply Chain Development element of the SEND project has enabled Stopford to support over 200 businesses in the Staffordshire area, each presenting an opportunity to make a real difference to business growth whilst helping to mitigate against climate change.
We are proud to be part of the Keele University and wider Staffordshire communities, turning aspirations into action.